Competitive Level Awards (CLA)
Welcome to the first event of ULTIMATE!​
This is the competition you know and love. Here, your dancers will compete for adjudicated scores and overall awards along with the familiar PAC Attack Challenge™ and PAC Attack Call Back.
Dancers in each age and competitive level have a chance to move on to The Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge.

A Top 15 overall in every age level, division, and competitive level will be awarded.
An adjudicated award will be given to all routines.
All solos are eligible to receive a PAC Attack Call Back.
All groups are eligible to receive a PAC Attack.
All Ultimate Performers will be eligible to participate in an improv show-off with their age and competitive level before the awards ceremony. They will also move on to The Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge.
All groups that receive a PAC Attack will re-compete in the PAC Attack Challenge against their age and competitive level for the Best In Show.
Groups that win Best Emotional Execution will move on to The Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge.
Groups that win Most Creative Concept will move on to The Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge.
Groups that win Best In Show will move on to The Ultimate PAC Attack Challenge.