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  • Pre-Professional soloists in the Petite, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, and Senior age groups may compete for Title. Soloists must PRE-REGISTER as they will be competing in a separate session. Soloists may enter multiple routines for the Title competition. We will only crown 1 solo per dancer. All Title contestants will receive a t-shirt.

  • Each judge will have a separate score sheet for all Title candidates judging on the routine's style. This is available on the DIRECTORS' resources page for Studio Owners/ Teachers to view. Title Score is separate from the adjudicated scores.

  • Title age divisions are separated as Petite, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, and Senior. If the minimum is not met, entries will be combined into ’12 & Under’ and ’13 & Up,' or all Title contestants will be moved into one division. 

  • Title entries will not be included in regular overalls and will instead be placed in their own overall category. The top 10 contestants in each age division will receive a crown/beanie and an invitation to perform a group number at the Ultimate ceremony.

  • There is a limited number of spaces available for Title entries.

  • The Top 10 Titlists in each age division will be invited to perform a group routine at The Ultimate Ceremony. At this ceremony, the Top 15 across all age divisions will be announced.​

  • The Top 15 Titlists across all age divisions will be invited to The Dance Honors. 

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